Accountant for female business owners in the UK

Accounting & Tax Services

We help female entrepreneurs feel calm, clear and confident about their business finances so they can lead a life they love.


Let us help you find your way

  • Are you fed up with constant chaos around filing deadlines and want to create a smarter, streamlined approach to managing your business finances?

  • Would you like to enjoy the kind of work-life balance you aspired to when you set up your own business? 

  • Maybe you just want the energy to finally bring to life the exciting business ideas in your head?

  • Or simply want sustainable profits and a secure financial future but have no idea if you’re on the right track to achieve this?

Would you like to work with a like-minded female accountant?



It’s time to take control and say hello to balance

No-one knows your business better than you do, but when it comes to the financial and tax side of things, our three C’s approach give you the time and confidence to get you back to what you love:


A manageable and systematic approach to your business finances to free you from overwhelm.


You’ll be clear about what your business’ numbers are now, where you’d like them to be - for your ideal lifestyle, as well as how to get there.


You’ll feel empowered to make informed decisions that will help you reach your business and life goals – all based on sound financial information


We believe in

I believe it really is possible to have a successful business and lead a fun, fulfilling life outside of work.

Running your own business can be tough – you’re passionate about what you do but it’s easy to feel overworked and overwhelmed, especially when trying to balance all the other spinning plates in your life. I help female business-owners just like you to feel calm and in control of your business’ financial and tax affairs, so you have the time and headspace to focus on the things that truly light you up.

— Preesha Chhaya, Founder of Beaver & Bee